Reza Faghihi

Reza Faghihi

Reza Faghihi    (FA Page)

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FirstName And Last Name Project Name Degree download-thesis def-date
Web-Based Failure Analysis of Residual Heat Removal and Residual Heat Recovery Systems M.S 1386/06/28
Determination of Absorbed Dose of Head in Radiotherapy With Cobalt-60 Using Experimental and Numerical Methods M.S 1382/10/14
Quantitative evaluation of SPECT/CT image based on SUV of Y-90 activity distribution in liver M.S 1398/03/29
Assessment if amount and manner of radioactive materials distribution and release for design basis accidents in HWRR M.S 1385/06/21
A Survey Performance of Health Physic Protocols in CT Scan and Determination of Excess Critical Organ Dose, Due to non Observance of This Protocols in Different Hospitals of Fars Province M.S 1386/06/31
Evaluation of the Dosimetry Errors Caused by the Design of the Badge in Film Badge Dosimeters M.S 1400/06/31
Simulation of beam hardening artifact in CT scan with X-ray and radioisotope sources and Feasibility study for manufacturing of industrial CT scan with radioisotope M.S 1386/06/20
Absorbed Dose Assessment of Critical Organs in Mammography by TLD and comparison with Monte-Carlo Method (MCNP4C) M.S 1384/04/01
A Survey On The Photoactivation Effect Of Cisplatin Drug On Dose Enhancement In Malignant Tumors M.S 1387/06/27
fatemeh abbasi Comparison of Bone Mineral Densitometry Reproducibility among Different DXA Units and Precision Assessment by In-Vitro Method M.S 1402/11/18
yasaman abolghasemi Design of a Monte-Carlo Algorithm for the PNI Imaging System M.S 1399/06/31
shaghayegh adibpoor Evaluation of the Effect of Scattering, Attenuation and Detector Geometry on the Quality of Polarized Nuclear Imaging (PNI) System Using GEANT 4 Monte- Carlo Code M.S 1400/06/31
Mahtab Adine Quantitative Evaluation of Void Fraction in Two Phase Flow inside Vertical Tubes by Gamma-Ray M.S 1391/05/24
ahdiyeh aghaz Designing flexible lead-free shields using nano tungsten and determination of its attenuation properties M.S 1391/12/15
sadaf aghevlian Study of radioactive gold nanoparticle cytotoxicity and photoactivation effect of gold nanoparticles, Thioguanine gold nanoparticles, Thioguanine and Cisplatin on cancer cell M.S 1390/06/26
Mahmoudreza Akbari Monte Carlo Simulation of Thyroid Gland Cancer Treatment with Proton Beams M.S 1390/11/08
maryam akhtari Evaluating the Activity Level of Marble an Granite STONES used in Niriz city of fars province M.S 1402/12/13
razieh alavianmehr Unfolding Diagnostic X-ray Spectra in Radiology Energy Range Using Mathematical Methods M.S 1400/06/31
Fahimeh Asadian aa M.S 1389/12/25
Bahador Bahadorzadeh Simulation, Design and Construction of Bonner Spheres for Neutron spectromtry M.S 1392/07/03
Bahador Bahadorzadeh Implementation of Continuous Bed Motion (CBM) and Wobbling in Xtrim micro-PET System Using Monte Carlo Simulation: A Novel Approach for High Resolution Dynamic Imaging Ph.D 1402/06/29
najmeh bahaedini A Study of Jaws-Only Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy Capabilities. M.S 1393/12/16
farbod bahrami Developing an Experimental Method for Discriminating Neutron, Proton, and Alpha Particles in Mixed Radiation Fields Through Track Dosimetry M.S 1393/03/10
Aida Banani Evaluating the effect of different image reconstruction algorithms in Dynamic SPECT M.S 1393/06/31
Alireza Barmak Evaluation of effects due to target volume and normal tissues motions on the spatial dose distribution in proton mini-beam radiation therapy (pMBRT) M.S 1400/11/15
kheibar bayati Investigation of the inter-seed effect in permanent seed interstitial brachytherapy treatment planning systems by introducing a generic method for sources, using Monte Carlo Simulations, and Artificial neural network M.S 1396/12/06
fatemeh boloourinovin production of 113Sn / 113mIn generator using cyclotron accelerator Ph.D 1401/11/15
mostafa chamanifard CT design for cavity detection in trees using GATE software and image reconstruction with limited data tomography M.S 1397/06/31
Zahra Dadashi nasab Improvement of stone type contrast in dual energy micro – CT of oil well cores using GATE simulation M.S 1397/06/31
FATEMEH DANA A simulation study of using a miniature x-ray tube in combination with nanoparticles for improved tumor dose homogeneity and enhancement in radiotherapy M.S 1392/07/10
Seyed Mohammad Entezarmahdi Generalized Linear Regression Model using MR Morphological Information Analysis for Predicting Final Extent of Ischemic Infarction in Patients with Brain Stroke M.S
SeyedMohammad Entezarmahdi Extracting Time Activity Curve from Myocardial Dynamic SPECT, Based on Automatic Image Segmentation Ph.D 1402/11/24
A. Esmaeei Design and implementation of a code to produce MCNP4C geometry input file from tomography images using MATLAB software. M.S 1385/04/25
Mohammadjavad Faridafshin Computer Assisted Detection of Defects in Industrial Digital Radiographic Images M.S 1396/05/17
Mohammad Esmaeil Fazilat Moaddeli Optimization of X-ray Spectrum in Dual Energy CT Scan Ph.D 1398/02/25
Mohammad Ghaedizirgar Development of a specialized protocol, measurement of DRL in CBCT, Comparison with other Methods and Global Standards Ph.D 1395/12/07
marsa gholamian abolfathi automatic localization and evaluation of displacement of permanent brachytherapy seeds used in prostate cancer by processing and registration of post-implant images M.S 1392/07/10
Elham Giveh kesh calculation of blood dose in patients treated with I-131 using MIRD, imaging and blood sampling methods M.S 1393/11/28
fatemeh habibi evaluation of human organ estimated absorbed dose after 67Ga-citrate and 68Ga-citrate (radiopharmaceutics) injection based on biodistribution data in rats M.S 1397/02/13
farzane iisaei khosh comparsion of dose and image quality in very low dose ct mammography,conventional mammography and digital mammography using a phantom M.S 1391/07/12
masood jabbari assessment of effective features on MR signal dropout whitin fiber crossing regions in diffusion tensor imaging M.S 1391/03/17
Seyede fatemeh Javanmardi Designing a deep learning algorithm for gamma spectroscopy M.S 1400/06/31
niloofar johari Evaluation of occupational exposure of radiation workers in Iran based on their individual dosimetry data in the last 5 years M.S 1402/12/16
Mahsa Kamalian Comparison of Noise in FBP, ML-EM and OS-EM Image Reconstruction Algorithms in PET Imaging System M.S 1397/11/30
AMIN MOHAMMAD KARIMI Noise reduction of the SPECT Myocardial Perfusion Image using Self-Supervised Deep Network. M.S 1400/06/31
Samira Karimkhani 3D patient specific dosimetry after injection of 68Ga-DOTATATE in the patients suspected to neuroendocrine tumors M.S 1397/06/31
mehrnoosh karimy poor fard Design And Simulation Of Patient Specific Computational Phantom in Oncology Hyperthermic M.S 1394/06/31
hamed kasayi Designing and manufacturing the 4DCT thorax phantom for multi-modality imaging and dosimetry in radiotherapy Ph.D 1402/12/28
Hamideh Kehtarfard Evaluation of the activity distribution and its dose due to the normal operation of the Fars proposed research reactor M.S 1394/06/31
hady keshavarz New hybrid method of 2-D/3-D registration for patient setup verification in radiotherapy using Electronic Portal Imaging Devices (EPID) M.S 1391/06/31
Mahdi Khalaf khan Evaluation of myocardial SPECT radiomics for comparison with patient angiography M.S 1402/11/29
Fatemeh Lotfalizadeh Design of unfolding neutron software for a polyethylene sphere, including TLD-600 and TLD-700 passive detectors M.S 1394/06/31
parvin mahammadyari Calculation of Dose Distribution in Deformable Tissue in Breast Brachytherapy using Biomechanical model and Image Processing M.S 1392/06/03
hojjat mahani Development of Treatment Planning Software in External-Beam Radiotherapy and Optimization of Basic Parameters of Treatment Planning a Using Genetic Algorithm M.S 1389/12/20
Mohamad Hasan Mahdian Manesh Development of an image reconstruction software with application in the industrial computed tomography M.S 1397/11/24
zeinab mahmoodi Neutron dose calculation in a prospector up to 120 km altitude using Monte Carlo simulation M.S 1393/08/27
Masoud Masoudi "Determination of Patient-Specific Organ and Effective Doses in Computed Tomography Examinations (CT scan) Based on the Adult Patient Size Ph.D 1399/06/31
mahdi mehralizadeh Design and manufacturing of a system for position detection of gamma-ray source M.S 1395/06/17
Fazel Mirzaei Material Decomposition Image Reconstruction in Dual Energy Computed Tomography M.S 1395/12/18
Vahed Moharramzadeh Magnetic Hyperthermia Using Magnetic Nanoparticles: An Applicator Development and the Treatment Planning Optimization for Combination of Hyperthermia with the Intraoperative Radiation Therapy (IORT) Ph.D 1396/11/25
Mohammad Reza Mohseni Ferezghi Evaluation of Radiotracer Variation in Dynamic SPECT Images Using a Physical Heart Phantom M.S 1393/06/31
Zahra Molaeimanesh Estimation of Tumor Interstitial Fluid Pressure (TIFP) Using Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MRI Information M.S 1395/06/31
Hamed Moradi Survival Rate Prediction Using Standard Model DCE-MRI analysis and Nested Model Selection (NMS) technique M.S 1392/04/19
mahshid morteanejad Neural network-based machine learning approach to detect the need for rest scans in myocardial SPECT imaging M.S
Zeinab Naghshnejad Updating and simulating the Paterson-and-Parker tables using the most recent dosimetric information as a function of radio nuclides used in different brachytherapy sources and comparison with a typical brachytherapy treatment planning software M.S 1388/06/31
imen namazi Using MCNP Simulation Data and Gamma Scan Technique for Fault Diagnosis of Packed Bed M.S 1389/12/04
cousar nassiry hanis MR CHARACTERIZATION OF BRAIN TISSUE USING M.S 1388/06/31
Vajiheh Nik Design and Construction of a System for in-Vivo Measurement of Heavy Metals in Tibia bone Based on XRF Method, Using X-Ray Spectrum Unfolding M.S 1400/06/31
Amin Nobakht Determination of the best energy for in-vivo measurement of bone lead by X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy method using Monte Carlo simulation M.S 1397/06/31
azimeh noorizadeh vahed dehkordi Automated Estimation and Detection of Arterial Input Function (AIF) in Perfusion-MRI M.S 1389/05/16
zahra norozi evaluating the effects of various morphologies on radiation dose enhancement nanoparticles used in medical imaging and radiotherapy M.S 1400/06/31
fateme nowroozalizadeh Investigation and Determination of Diagnostic Reference Levels in Fars Province and comparing them to other International and National Guidance Levels M.S 1390/07/04
Hamid Omidi Stopping power map creation from MRI images using deep neural network for proton therapy M.S 1400/06/03
Nafiseh Padargani An investigation of dose distribution in small fields in the presence of lung inhomogeneity M.S 1396/05/22
Maryam Papie Dosimetric comparison of different breast brachytherapy methods based on TG-43 and TG-186 protocols using MCNP5 code M.S 1395/06/17
mohammadreza parishan A fast predictive model of respiratory lung motion for IGRT M.S 1393/06/30
mohammadreza parishan Target motion tracking based on magnetic nanoparticles imaging in ion therapy Ph.D 1400/06/31
Zahra Rakeb Development of a Simulation Tool for Phase Contrast Imaging in the Monte Carlo GEANT4 Code for Voxelized Geometry M.S 1400/06/31
NADER RAZMARA Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Well logging (NMR Well Logging) Simulator M.S 1392/04/25
maryam sadeghi Developing an Optimized Protocol for Thermoluminescent Dosimetry Using TLD-100 and TLD-100H M.S 1394/06/31
Maryam Sadegh Dosimetric Assessment of the Effects of Metal Artifact Reduction Methods in CT Images in Treatment Planning of Oral Tumors M.S 1396/07/29
seyed ali sadrzadeh rouholamini Study of the effects of long term occupational exposure of EMFs in workers of high tension stations M.S 1392/06/30
rasool safari Conceptual design of a low-dose multi-parameter imaging system: Positron Annihilation Interaction-Transmission Imaging (PAITI) Ph.D 1402/12/16
Rasool Safari Feasibility Study of Quantum Imaging by Gamma Ray M.S 1395/10/29
Habib Safigholi Simulation of a miniature electronic brachytherapy X-ray source with Monte Carlo code and evaluation of dose distribution M.S 1387/06/23
Behnoush Sanaei Investigation of low-dose image acquisition in PET imaging, and deep learning based standard-dose PET image estimation from low-dose PET image Ph.D 1402/06/20
Samira Sarshough Determination of low energy X-rays cross sections for nano and micro reinforced epoxies and comparison of their effects in dosimetry calculations Ph.D 1397/03/30
Zeynab Shafahi Unfolding of Diagnostic X-Ray Spectra Based on MTSVD and Tikhonov methods Using MCNP5 Monte-Carlo code M.S 1397/06/31
Mohammad javad Shahgol Determination of Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material(NORM) Concentration in drilling mud and measurement of staff dose in the Parsian Operating Area. M.S 1397/11/30
hajar shariati Radiomics based machine learning for diagnosis of ischemia by SPECT myocardial perfusion imaging : compare with quantitative and visual interpretation M.S 1400/06/31
seyed mohamad sadegh shobeyri monte-carlo design and simulation of airborne gamma spectrometry in order to achieve better spatial resolution M.S 1392/12/05
Sedigheh Sina بهینه سازی طراحی درمان براکی تراپی درون حفره ای Ph.D 1391/04/29
hamed sohrabi Systematic designing for increasing thermal neutron flux in a specific direction and geometrical optimization of neutron activation using Pu-Be neutron source M.S 1392/06/23
Maryam Tafi Assessing the quality control of MRI devices in some Shiraz hospitals M.S 1397/06/31
Iman Tahmasbi Abdar Experimental comparison of thermal neutron absorption cross section in nano and micro particles M.S 1396/12/15
Omid Talaee Effect of gold nanocluster by 5-ALA in increasing the treatment ratio in combined method of radiotherapy and PDT procedures on the Breast cancer cell line (MCF7) Ph.D
hasan usefnia Production and Quality control of [61Cu]labeled doxorubicin for PET tumor imaging M.S 1389/03/02
MOHAMMADREZA Vahidi Calculations of 3D Dose Distribution in the Breast Tissue for Individual Patients Treated with the AccuBoost Technique M.S 1396/12/12
mojtaba vardian Neutron well log simulation on environment characteristics of Nar-3 by MCNP code and porosity determination with simulated data and neutron well log data by fuzzy logic on Nar-5 M.S 1388/06/31
neda zaker "Towards whole-body parametric PET imaging: clinical assessment and deep learning-based developmevt" Ph.D 1401/06/22
Eliyeh Zamani Design and developing a software for efficiency calibration of High purity germanium detector (HPGe) at the energy rang 1KeV-10MeV with MCNP M.S 1394/06/31
leila zare Evaluation of the results of three-dimensional segmentation of the heart in MPI images: comparison between QPS, Corridor 4DM and QCard-nm1 M.S
zahra zare Using artificial intelligence for osteoporosis disease progress assessment based on bone mineral density measurement by DEXA and clinical risk factors M.S 1403/06/28
Mehdi Zehtabian Investigation of methods for reducing the effects of tumor motion for accurate treatment of lung tumors Ph.D 1391/06/31
Banafsheh Zeinali Rafsanjani Application of magnetic resonance spectroscopy in oncology Ph.D 1396/10/06
banafsheh zeinali rafsenjani u M.S 1390/04/29
majid zohrehvand accuracy evaluation of oncentra TPS in nasopharynx cancer HDR Brachytherapy using EGSnrc monte carlo code M.S 1392/12/20
Samaneh Zolghadri Production and Quality control of [61Cu]labeled bis-8- hydroxyquinoline for PET tumor imaging M.S 1388/06/12
روح اله آهنگری شاهدهی Design of Sampling Matrix for Monitoring System of a Typical Nuclear Reactor Site and Dose Assessment by CAP88-PC M.S 1385/04/25
مجید دیباانوری Evaluation of Natural radioactivity concentration in raw materials and by-products of Farsnov cement company and their radiative dose M.S 1399/11/30
نصراله گودرزی Presentation of a method for staging of liver fibrosis in mri images by using of optimized support vector machine based on the extraction of texture features Ph.D 1397/06/31
فاطمه مرادی مکرم Developing a Treatment Planning Software in Radiotherapy and Optimization of Treatment Planning Using Genetic Algorithm M.S 1386/06/31
مقداد میرزاپور GPU Implementation of dose calculations based on EGSnrc Monte Carlo code in medical physics applications Ph.D 1398/11/30
The Evaluation of Lithiated Polyethylene & a typical mineral compound neutron shield properties with d+T &d+D neutron sources by experiment and MCNP calculation M.S 1387/05/07
shielding desing for a neutronic source at nuclear engineering department using mcnp code M.S 1390/07/05
Determination Of Pu-Be Neutron Flux Using Activation Analysis And Its Symulation By MCNP-4B Code M.S 1384/06/01
Probabilistic safety assessment level 1 (PSA 1) for primary coolant circuit of a typical HWRR M.S 1385/06/21
Tabriz radon M.S 1395/06/31
Development of a dosimeter, applicable for blood dosimetry in blood irradiation chambers M.S 1399/11/30
Rouhollah Abbaszadeh Extracting neutron cross sections from ENDF library for ANISN code M.S 1387/11/15
Farideh Amini Birami Geological source of radon gas anomalies in Ramsar area, Mazandaran Province Ph.D 1399/05/26
Navid Ayoobian محاسبه ترادبرد الکترون فوتون توسط کتابخانه epdl97 و الگوریتم smart برای پدازشگرهای موازی Ph.D 1390/11/27
marziye bagherinezhad Assessment of monitoring station locations in Bushehr nuclear power plant in terms of concentration and effective dose of dispersed radionuclides in normal and accident conditions M.S 1402/04/28
Sajjad Bahar Estimation of Corrosion in Insulated Pipes with Using Simulation of Gamma Ray Back Scattering Method M.S 1400/06/31
maryam bordbar Prompt gamma imaging for in vivo range verification of projectile particles of pencil beam scanning ion therapy in the presence of a magnetic field M.S 1400/06/31
mehdi danaei ghazanfarkhani Optimization of prostate brachytherapy treatment planning M.S 1397/06/31
nahid dehghan Measurement of the dose to hands, whole body, and eye lenses to medical staff in nuclear medicine using Thermoluminescence dosimetry M.S 1397/06/31
Nima Dehvan Establishment of the X-ray Reference Spectrums for calibration of radiation measurement instrument M.S
Ali Erfani nia Determine two safety coefficients of VVER-1000 reactor core including hexagonal annular fuel assemblies M.S 1390/11/03
hamed erfan khah Surface image reconstruction by near infrared reflectance analysis for the optical tomography applications M.S 1390/10/27
elahe esmaeili Prediction of porosity, permeability and water saturation of gas reservoirs using nuclear logs with machine learning M.S 1402/12/16
elham ganjalikhan hakemi Neutron Monitornig in Hwzpr Research Reactor in Isfahan Research and Production Nuclear Fuel Center With Monte Carlo Simulation and Comparing of Acquired Data With Experiment M.S 1388/06/31
Vahideh Ghazizadeh khosroshahi ارزیابی دز یک شتاب دهنده خطی بوسیله کد مونت کارلوو مقایسه با داده های تجربی M.S 1388/12/01
masoud haghani Utilization of Artificial Neural Network Model in Prediction of Radon Level and Lung Cancer in Residence of Area With High Natural Radiation and Radon Level Ph.D 1395/10/22
Siyamak Hamzeei 3D image reconstruction of near infrared optical tomography scanners M.S 1392/05/26
mandana heirani Assessment of lung and sensitive organ’s dose in liver brachytherapy with Y-90 microspheres using Monte Carlo code MCNP5 M.S 1389/12/04
Mahdi Izadi Film thickness measurement in annular gas-liquid two-phase flow through large-diameter vertical pipes using dual gamma transmission and scattering modality M.S 1399/06/31
Arezo Jafarian Investigation of organ dose in dental CBCT using GATE Monte - Carlo Code M.S 1397/06/31
fereshte joneirani Cargoes Inspection for Nuclear Material Detection by Using Non-Destructive Photo-Neutrons Technique M.S 1390/12/15
Arash Kadkhoda Study of Muography Time Reduction with Angle Classification and Energy Measurement of Muon Using Monte Carlo Method M.S 1400/12/15
mohamad karamy Indoor Radon Concentration in Dwellings of Yazd province M.S 1388/06/31
Behnaz Karari Investigation of the effect of RF and X-RAY on Breast tumors after injection of Platinum Nanoparticles M.S 1396/12/15
mehrnoosh karimipoorfard Internal Dosimetry in Diagnostic Nuclear Medicine using CNN Deep Learning Algorithm Ph.D 1401/06/27
somayeh khalili Neutron Source Designing For Boron Neutron Capture Therapy Using D-T Accelerator M.S 1390/11/10
fereshteh khodadadi shushtari Localization and segmentation of glioma brain tumors in MRI images using deep learning algorithm M.S 1399/11/30
Hamid Khosravanian Design and manufacturing of online counting and controlling systems of air suspended particles concentration measuring device by Beta particles attenuation method M.S
amin kiomarsiyan characterization of porosity and poure strusture of reservoir core useing computed tomography (CT) M.S 1395/06/31
amir hossein mahjoob Design and Fabricating Diagnostic X-ray Spectrum Unfolding Systems Based on HPGe Detector and CR Film M.S 1398/06/31
Hossein Malek mohammadi Faradonbeh Providing an intelligent algorithm for estimating parameters and selecting pharmacokinetic models from DCE-MRI images using LSTM deep networks M.S 1401/11/15
reyhane mandis In vivo dosimetry using thermoluminescence dosimeters, for investigation of risk of secondary cancer after head, neck, and spinal cord radiotherapy M.S 1401/06/23
Amir Mehdizadeh Design and construction of standard Radon-222 calibration chamber M.S 1397/06/31
saeed mohammadi Investigation of 99Mo production using a unique procedure of natural uranyl sulphate and uranyl nitrate liquid target irradiation by proton cyclotron accelerator M.S 1396/06/29
Javad Mokhtari Design of a low-power reactor for BNCT,NR and NAA and Construction OF a thermo-hydraulic Test-Loop Ph.D 1396/02/26
Zahra Moradi Design,optimization and manufacturig of an instrument measuring the concentration of air suspended particles M.S 1400/06/31
meysam moshkriz Application of artificial neural network in radiotherapy treatment with VARIAN 2100C based on monte carlo calculation M.S 1390/06/30
FARHAD MOSLEHI Source apportionment of suspended particulates in Shiraz air using nuclear techniques and statistical analysis M.S 1400/06/31
masoumeh nematollahi Exact Dosimetry Calculation by Converting the Real lmages of Patients to MCNP lnput M.S 1392/12/20
Sajad Niknam Design of a Terahertz wave generation and Sensing system to differentiate cancerous and safe tissues based on Spectroscopy analysis Ph.D 1398/11/29
fatemeh nikseresht Evaluation of the implementation of radiation protection principles in diagnostic radiology and CT-scan departments of the Fars province M.S 1398/11/27
mahdi omidvar Defect Detection of Aluminum Castings based on Analysis of Radiography Images using Deep Learning Combined with Data Augmentation by Generative Adversarial Networks M.S 1400/06/31
masoome pooladi Design of lead-free guards for making eye glasses and ceiling shields to reduce eye dose in angiography by simulation using MCNP code M.S 1400/11/15
zahra pouryasin Anticancer activities and DNA/Protein binding properties of a novel series of Platinum(IV)- Bismuth(III) complexes M.S 1391/11/11
leila puyan Determination of Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material (NORM) Concentration in Soil and Water in Kazeroon-Fars M.S 1399/06/31
Payman Rafiepor Development of Geant4-DNA based software to investigate the radiobiological effects of ionizing radiation on viral and bacterial structures Ph.D 1401/06/28
amir ramezanzadeh moghadam Design and Implementation of Prostate Brachytherapy Treatment Planning Software Based on Monte Carlo Calculations and ANN Algorithm M.S 1390/02/24
zahra rezaei Developing a protocol for eye lens dosimetry of radiation workers in angiography and fluoroscopy departments M.S 1400/11/15
parastou roustazadeh sheikh usefi Assessment of radioactive dispersion from a hypothetical 5 MW nuclear reactor under normal operation and after an accident in TEHRAN M.S 1392/06/27
Mohammad Mehdi Saadatyar Using plastic scintillator detectors for designing a muon radiography system M.S 1396/05/29
Kazem Sadeghi ebrahim mohammadi Dosimetric audit of Intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) in different centers of Iran M.S
MohammadHosein Sadeghi Enhance the Diagnosis Accuracy and Staging of Ovarian Cancer Tumors in PET/CT Images Using Deep Neural Networks Ph.D
Mohammad Hossein Sadeghi Replacement 192-Ir source with 60-Co source and comparison of the result of theoretical data and MCNP simulation with experimental data in HDR brachytherapy for treatment of cervical cancer M.S 1396/05/29
hoda sadeghpour Monte Carlo Simulation and Experimental Measurement of Replacement Sources for PGNAA in Material Analysis in Cement Industry M.S 1392/11/29
mahdi saedi moghadam Dose Calculation Using Artificial Neural Network for Varian 2100C LINAC Based on Simulation by MCNP5 and Experimental Data M.S 1391/11/07
seyedamir saeidi sini Development of a radiochemical dosimeter for use in dosimetry of X, and gamma ray fields M.S 1401/11/15
yaser salmanian Investigation of the effect of bone cement containing beta- and gamma-emitting radioisotopes, on the dose distribution in bone brachytherapy M.S 1400/11/15
Behzad Salmassian The VVER-1000/446 core blockage location diagnosis using neutron detectors and neural networks Ph.D 1400/06/31
Negar Shah Amiri Semi-Automatic Segmentation of Left and Right Ventricles in Myocardial Perfusion SPECT Imaging M.S 1400/06/31
mahboobeh sheikhi Extracting kidney stone composition and dual-Energy CT information using Ultra-Low Dose CT image by deep convolutional neural networks Ph.D 1401/11/15
saeed sookhaki Measurement of Children's Thyroid Contamination in Nuclear Accidents by Designing a Thyroid Phantom M.S 1399/06/31
mahmood tahmasebi Design and Optimization of a Flat-Panel X-ray Source Using Gate Monte Carlo Code M.S
zahra tavakoli alah abadi Evaluation of the ability of electron irradiation, and kilovoltage X-ray to inactivate surface bacteria of foodstuff in production line of food factories or packing facilities using Monte Carlo method M.S 1401/11/15
Pardis Yaseri Predicting dose distribution in brachytherapy of cervical cancer patients using deep learning M.S
Farnaz Yousefzadeh SPECT Images Denoising During Reconstruction Process Using Deep Networks M.S 1401/06/28
Seyed Mohsen Zahraei Moghaddam Estimation of tortuosity and intercellular space using DTI images on Glioblastoma M.S 1395/06/17
neda zaker 4D Dosimetry of Lung Brachytherapy Using Patient Specific Data and MCNP Monte Carlo Code M.S 1392/04/18
Maryam Zarei Design and fabrication of X-ray radiation shield based on reinforced polyaniline with hybrid graphene oxide nanoflakes M.S 1400/04/23
Ahmad Zare'pour Implementation and parameter study of collapsed cone covolution algorithm used in dosimetry of radiotherapy M.S 1395/12/22
حیدر حیدری داد Single Phase Natural Circulation Study of a Rectangular Loop Using Numerical Techniques and RELAP5/MOD3 Code M.S 1386/06/28